How To Change Your iPhone Photo Brightness

Don Orkoskey | March 2, 2023

iPhone BrightnessLearn how to change your iPhone photo brightness and master iPhone photography with this article from your friends at the Global Photography School.

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This article will help you quickly adjust how bright everything in your photo is. It won't provide information on adjusting the brightness on individual objects within your photo. To do that requires adding or subtracting light from just the object you're trying to change the brightness on. This article will help you change the overall brightness in your iPhone's camera.

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Changing your iPhone Photo Brightness

To change you iPhone photo brightness you first need to open your camera and point it at your subject. Here are the other steps to change the brightness of the photo you're taking with your iPhone:

  1. Adjusting iPhone Photo Brightnesstap the screen where your subject is. This will also bring your subject into focus if it isn't already sharp.
  2. A yellow box will appear where you've touched the screen. Next to the box is a small line with an icon of the sun on it.
  3. touch this sun icon and move it up or down.
  4. Moving the icon up will add brightness to your photo, down will make your picture darker.
  5. Take the photo with the white button or press your volume down key to take the photo.

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You've changed your iPhone photo brightness

Congratulations, you've changed your iPhone photo brightness! Now you can adjust the level of light in your phone photos. This gives you an added level of control that you didn't previously have.

Why Change The Brightness

Our iPhone cameras usually get the brightness right but they don't always. It's important to know how to change that brightness when our iPhone is wrong. This often happens when the difference between the brightness of our subject and the background are really different. It can also happen if we're photographing delicate white subjects such as white flowers.

When To Change The Brightness

Now that you know how to do it it's important to know when to change the brightness. This is a really great idea if you're taking a photo of a bright subject surrounded by a dark background. Now you can make sure your subject doesn't come out too white by making your overall photo darker.

Another use is when your taking someone's photo in the shade. If the background is really bright your subject will look really dark. Ideally you don't want to take photos in this situation. However, sometimes that's the only way you're going to get the photo. If that's the situation, then add brightness to make sure your subject is bright enough.

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Master iPhone Photography

Changing our brightness is the first step to mastering iPhone photography. You're well on your way now! If you want to keep learning be sure to follow the Global Photography School social media accounts listed in the sidebar. Additionally, you can check out all of our other articles in the archive.

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