Learn To Take Pictures New Look

Don Orkoskey | March 16, 2022

Learn To Take Pictures LogoWe're happy to announce a new look and website for LearnToTake.Pictures (formerly the Global Photography School). This includes a new logo and a whole new immediate content direction.

Learn To Take (dot) Pictures 2023

You can read more about the all new Learn To Take (dot) Pictures 2023 plan in our welcome post which has been updated. You can also contribute content to help us build this new look and brand new website. We're super excited to celebrate this new beginning in 2023.

GPS 2022

In 2022 GPS got a temporary new start. Due to technical issues with our original host we lost the previous website. The host, Electric Kitten, had long been the host for our founder's other websites. He'd created a lot of sites for other clients there as well.

Sometime between 2018 and 2021 Electric Kitten changed dramatically. We suspect the previous owner sold the business. The new owners were terrible. Their support team took weeks to answer tickets. They'd simply close them rather than fix things. It was a real mess and a real shame.

New Host, New Website

Changing to a new host meant building an entirely new website. While that was really tough the truth is that the Global Photography School was sitting on the back-burner. The new host, Hostinger has been fabulous. Their customer service and tech support are on top of things. The change from Electric Kitten has been night and day.

New Name, New Look

After a few years in the wilderness this new name and new look will help more people find their way to and as a result be able to learn more and improve their photography. The goal now is to create easy-to-understand content. This content will be organized in a way that it's easy to find. Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to keep track of all the great new stuff we're doing.

Photography News

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